HerVoice Submission Requirements - Chicago a cappella



Submissions materials:

  • PDF of your completed HerVoice Eligibility Questionnaire (linked here).
  • PDF of your piece (hand-written acceptable), without your name anywhere on the score. Name the file as: Title.pdf.”
  • Written permission from text copyright holder, if not public domain. Please indicate year the text was written for all texts.
  • Pronunciation guide and/or diction recording if you believe it is useful (e.g., for languages less often seen in standard North American repertoire)
  • Audio file of live performance, if available. MIDI file is acceptable.
  • PDF of brief artist statement (without your name) describing why are you interested in this opportunity. Maximum word count 300. If submitting two pieces, please include your artist statement with each application.
  • Include your complete contact information in the body of the email; no name or contact information on the attachments, please.

Submit via email to mmcnabb@chicagoacappella.org no later than April 1, 2024.

Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Applicants are encouraged to check out the participating choirs to understand the types of works typically performed.

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